Japanese conbini: point cards & promos
Free Stuff at the Japanese Conbini
Okinawa Onsen (Hot Springs): 温泉 ♨️
Ryukuan Legend of the Celestial Maiden
Manhole Covers in Japan: マンホールの蓋
手拭: Tenugui, the Japanese towel
Sangwa, a type of Okinawa talisman: サングァー
Personal Seals: Hanko 判子 and Inkan 印鑑
Playing Under the Stars in Okinawa: 毛遊び
Sueyoshi Park & Shrine: 末吉公園&宮跡
Hijigaa-bira maai & Kinjo-cho ishidatami michi
Kinjo-cho ishidatami michi, Part II
Temples 寺 and Shrines 神社 in Okinawa
Kitanakagusuku Shisa Neighborhood
Sunshine Blogger Award