Some typical (and not so typical) foods found in Okinawa. These are Okinawan or Japanese dishes, though some may have “western” elements.
Kinako, roasted soybean powder: きな粉
Miso in Okinawa 味噌, Miso 味噌 in Okinawa, part II
Okinawa mochi, pt.3: Nantou ナントゥー餅
Deciphering Rice Labels in Japan
Yonaguni-jima recipe: Sakuna shiraae サクナの白和え
Wasanbon, sweets to go with tea: 和三盆
Quick menu guide to typical Okinawan dishes: some of these do not have separate posts yet, but this is a short compilation with descriptions of typical items found on local menus.
Pictures of various Japanese and Okinawan foods on my imgur album: